Tuesday, March 17, 2009



TOEFL, it is the main reason of my being right now. I assumed some person does not even know what TOEFL is. This is a test that foreign/international students need to do, if they want to study in US, where you proof your knowledge about the language (English). So, at end of every semester in ESL, we have to present TOEFL test. I did the last semester, and I did not do so badly. My score was 452 (to pass this exam your score must be over 500). I can remember that day; we have to be in the classroom at 9 am o clock.

I was really nervous; because my thought was that I would not understand anything, but I was wrong. My listening was not too bad; my grammar so-so and reading was really okay.

This year, I have to pass my TOEFL, so I need to put my best to pass it and I think I trust myself a little more about this test. I really think I am going to pass it.

Today, we have a TOELF practice (it was kind of simulation of the real one) and that still make me feel nervous. I think I did well, especially in reading and listening part. It was not to hard this time. I do not know my score yet, but I really want to know soon, it is making me anxious, I really want to know if I have same score or it was highest or lowest.


  1. oh...i really suprized how impressive work you have done.good, now i'm the one who has to worry about the TOEFL T_T i have to concentrate more on studying so i ask you do me a favor that plz don't mad even if i show you any kind of carelessness in any way just until i satisfied my English that will never come though^^:;;;;

  2. Your doing a great job, and it seems to me that your english is well, so keep your head up, you've got this. just practice and stay positive.
