Thursday, April 2, 2009

The steel mill

My Class and I went to museum today; it was about a Steel Mill in Pueblo. This Industry represented a big part of history in this city (Pueblo-Colorado), it was one of the biggest steel mill in United States in that time.

This place was really interesting, especially because people from other country worked there, not only American people. They were from Italian to Japanese people. That really surprised me, and for that the city has newspaper in different languages, not only Spanish. And that make me think that this city has Italian influence like my country.

This industry was a big one and dangerous one too. One person died per day. I cannot understand how people take that risk, because it is your life that you are putting in risk. But like they explain that was the work that really hired a lot of people in that time.

I saw pictures about this time, about the workers and their family, and they really looked like they were all the same, something that surprised me more because the workers and their family were from different countries. But the guide told us that the steel mill had a school for kids, women, and they teach them how to be like the same, so that explain me so much.

The Steel was a good place to go today, it is good to know about Pueblo’s History.


  1. Hello Anais,

    Thank you for your kindness to my students from Garden Park High School. They enjoyed having class with you last week, and are looking forward to your visit at our school this week.

    You are doing a great job with your English. You were especially easy to talk to, and I think you listen very well. You also read well, and your blog shows that you write well also. I am sure your TOEFL score will improve greatly and you will soon be on your way to college.

  2. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you can't wait to see you on Thursday.

